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The question of African languages : Discover our Ekang (Ewondo) section

Lire l'Ewondo (langue Ekang) en ligne

The question of African languages : Discover our Ekang (Ewondo) section

Putting our african languages at the center of our daily life is also a question of will. If you have arrived here, Ekang speakers or not, it’s certainly because the question of African languages challenges you.

What can be done to ensure that our languages have the place they deserve in our lives? If the transmission was not made by our own parents, how to transmit our languages to our children?

We can not alone answer these questions because the preservation of a language implies several synergies. At, we decided to play our score: give you an entire section where you can read and know more about an African language, in this case the Ekang (Ewondo/Beti, Central Africa). ©

Click below to see our Ekang videos :